🎖What quality means for Frabemar?
Frabemar Srl has mainted a constant level of quality of service ensuring at all steps customers’s satisfaction. Internal processs and systems are under continuous scrutiny to match the chainging needs of an evolving field.
⚓️ How do we ensure quality?
System of checks and balances has been put into place to maintain a level of efficiency and accountability, i.e Frabemar Srl complies to the ISO 9001:2015 standards.
The growth strategy of Frabemar Srl, although not subject by law to this specific model, has also been equipped with a suitable supervisory body, pursuant to art. 6 Legislative Decree 231/2001 having the requirements of autonomy, independence and professionalism. The body’s work is aimed at monitoring the effectiveness and adequacy of the aforementioned organizational model and its effective observance.